Dove era che non ero ● Salvatore Insana
Where it was that I was not.
Duración: 5:33 min.
Año de producción: 2013
País: Italia
Salvatore Insana:
Salvatore Insana attended the University of Roma Tre Dams concluding his masterful way in 2010 with a paper on the concept of Useless.
With Elisa Turco Liveri, actress and performer he has created in 2011 the company Dehors/Audela (
He continued his research in motion pictures, photography and other media forms collaborating with the filmmaker Roberto Nanni, with Atelier Meta-Teatro, historic space of theatrical research directed by Pippo Di Marca, with SLIM art label, with the experimental group Villanuccia-Lyriks, interested in moving bodies in their elusiveness, in their metamorphic and tragic ability to elude us, interested to probe deeper on the limits of vision, on the "visual spectra."
He has worked in visual search paths with several musicians and sound artists as Aron Carlocchia, Girolamo Deraco, Francesca Sortino, The Additive, Frank Heierli, Tobias Faar, Ynaktera, Playing with Nuns, Leira Kabuki, Nino Martino, Santiago Merino and with the label Brusionetlabel.and his video-works has been screened at several festivals around the world (Arte Video Roma Festival, DotFest, Traverse-Video, Vafa Macao, Image contre Nature, Niff – Naoussa, Videholica, 9hundred project, Current Santa Fe, Fiva Buenos Aires, WestVirginiaShortFilmFestival, Signes De Nuit, LuccaFilmFestival).
He's also editor of the movie magazine, and collaborates with Krapp's Last Post and Zero. He has collaborated with MarteMagazine, MPNews, Suddando, Hydepark.