Lieu dit - The Blossom Plague ● Frederic Dano

Lieu dit - The Blossom Plague ● Frederic Dano

One day, she runs away, leaving the lake, abandoning her sister, to embrace the world.
A musical tale, a crossing in the heart of emotions. They draw a map where we walk across timeless landscapes, populated by pantheistic divinities.
Munich Underground Film Festival (Germany)
Alboradas Audiovisuales/Cine rodante (Mexico)
Fiaticorti Film Festival (Italy)
Muestra Audiovisual Cine Sinú (Colombia)
Zinema Zombie Fest / ZZF (Colombia)
El Saman Festicine (Colombia)
Duración: 7:03 min.
Año de producción: 2014
País: Francia