Piove ● Thiago B. Mendonca
Piove is not a portrait of the forgotten filmaker Pio Zamuner. It is the establishment of a relationship between two generations of directors. But who directs whom?
Farcume - Festival de Curtas-Metragens de Faro de Portugal 2014 (2o lugar na mostra de documentários)
Antofadocs Chile 2013 (Menção honrosa)
FECLAC – Festival de Cortometrajes de Las Condes - Chile 2014 (Menção honrosa). Filmfest Braunschweig - Best of 2013 of International Short Film Festival Hamburg
Semana Paulista do curta-metragem 2013 - 2o melhor filme
Encontro Nacional de Cinema dos Sertões 2013 (melhor diretor, melhor montagem)
Festival Comunicurtas de Campina Grande 2013 (Melhor documentário e trilha sonora)
Festival de Triunfo 2013 (melhor direção e menção honrosa da FEPEC)
Festival do Juri Popular 2013 Melhor filme em Alagoas
Cinesul - Festival Ibero Americano de Cinema 2013 menção honrosa
Curta Neblina 2013 (menção honrosa)
É tudo verdade 2012 - Menção honrosa da ABD
Festival de Curta-metragens de Brasília 2012 - (Prêmio UCDF)
Festival de Vitória 2012 (melhor documentário)
Vale Curtas 2012 (Melhor filme, melhor documentário)
Curta Canoa 2012 (menção honrosa)
Curta Santos 2012 (Prêmio especial do juri)
Curta Pará 2015 - Menção Honrosa
Festival Luz de Cinema 2014 - Menção Honrosa
Duración: 15:00 min.
Año de producción: 2012
País: Brasil
Thiago B. Mendonca:
Thiago Brandimarte Mendonca is a director screenwriter and playwriter. He has a distinguished career in Brazil as a filmmaker. His films participate in major brazilian festivals (Gramado Brasilia It's all true) and also by international festivals (Amiens Amsterdam Hamburgo Huelva Barcelona Sapporo Bogota Montevideu etc) receiving numerous awards. He works with important Brazilian directors of the new generation as a screenwriter. He is also a music composer curator and film critic. It stands out in Sao Paulo as a cultural activist. He is one of the founders of the carnival group "Cordo da Mentira" (intervening against the military regime's torturers) member of the Zagaia Collective editor of the magazine of aesthetic criticism Zagaia and director of Cia do Terror Theater Group.