Si jamais nous devons disparaître, ce sera sans inquiètude mais en combattant jusqu’à la fin ● Jean - Gabriel Périot
To fight until the end.
Prix spécial du jury, prix de la jeunesse / festival du film de Vendôme
- Festival du film / Vendôme
- Festival de Clermont-Ferrand
- Côté court / Pantin
- Vidéoformes / Clermont-Ferrand
- Les nuits méditerrannéenes / Corte
- Videodrome / Nice
- Partie(s) de campagne / Ouroux en Morvan
- Festival nouveau cinéma / Paris
- Festival corutscourts / Tourtour
- Festival Silhouette / Paris
- Court c'est court / Cabrière d'Avignon
- Les instants vidéo / Marseille
- Un festival c'est trop court / Nice
- Festival du film court / Villeurbanne
- Festival tous écrans / Genève
- Dok Liepzig
- Open air filmfest / Weiterstadt
- Mediawave / Komaron
- Concorto / Pontenure
- l'alternativa / Barcelone
- International short film festival / Grenade
- Indielisboa / Lisbonne
- Kinemastik / Malta
- Thai short film festival / Bangkok
- Curta cinema / Rio de Janeiro
- Fantasia / Montreal
- Ficfa / Moncton
Duración: 14:00 min.
Año de producción: 2014
País: Francia
Jean - Gabriel Périot:
Born in France in 1974 Jean-Gabriel directed several short movies both in video and cinema. He develops his own editing style with archives. Between documentary animation and experimental most of his works deal with violence and history. His last works including "Dies Irae" "Even if she had been a criminal…" and "Nijuman no borei" were shown worldwide in numerous festivals and were honoured by many prizes.